Forest Hills Neighborhood, Durham


You have reached the main page for the Forest Hills Neighborhood Association (FHNA) of Durham, North Carolina.

Email list /

FHNA maintains an email list (listserv) for residents of the Forest Hills neighborhood.  Subscribe to the email list by signing up for Subscribing to the listserv does not require membership in FHNA.  Residents of other Durham neighborhoods and people with ties to Forest Hills are welcome to subscribe as well.

FHNA Membership

Membership dues support Forest Hills Park maintenance and special projects as well as community service projects and neighborhood social events.  The membership year starts on July 1 and runs through June 30.

There are many ways FHNA and neighbors can enrich our neighborhood, and options include playground equipment, sidewalks, garden upkeep, social events etc.  Please continue to let the FHNA board know what you would like to see happen with membership dues.

Membership donations

Join FHNA HERE:  Memberships can easily be completed online: link to donation page (requires logging in to

Other options:

  • PayPal: send your payment to or click here
  • Venmo: send your payment to @fhnadurham
  • Drop off a check made out to FHNA at 429 Carolina Circle

While we have three suggested membership levels, we would like to emphasize that any amount qualifies you for membership in our neighborhood association, and we welcome you to pay what you can and wish to pay. 

  • Sustainer $250:  Get a FHNA tote bag
  • Patron $100:  Receive a FHNA hat
  • Household $50 or other amount:  Invitations to FHNA’s annual barbecue, holiday events, volunteer projects, community fundraiser, etc.

Any amount you are able to give is greatly appreciated, as membership dues represent almost all of FHNA's income.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your contributions to FHNA are tax-deductible.  Please send an e-mail to if you need a receipt for tax purposes.